Јавни позиви за ангажовање стручних лица и фирми на пројекту

Independent Verification Agent for Disbursement Linked Indicator

Request for expressions of interest consulting services – Individual consultant
Terms of Reference
Request for expressions of interest consulting services – Individual consultant
Request for expressions of interest consulting services – Individual consultant – extended deadline

Consultant for Strengthen institutional capacity for performance management

Request for expressions of interest consulting services
Terms of Reference

Social and Citizen Engagement Specialist

Request for expressions of interest consulting services – Individual consultant
Terms of reference – Social and Citizen Engagement Specialist
Request for expressions of interest consulting services – Individual consultant – extended deadline
Request for expressions of interest consulting services – Individual consultant – extended deadline
Request for expressions of interest consulting services – Individual consultant – extended deadline

Portal for Citizens Participation in the Budgetary Process

Request for expressions of interest consulting services – Individual consultant
Terms of Reference

Contract Awards

Contract award website - Consultant for the development of Guidelines on Inclusion of Green Aspects into Public Policy Documents
Contract Award - Consultant for the Green Project coordination
Contract Award - Bid/Contract Reference No: SER-IPFMGT-IC-CS-23-02
Contract Award - Bid/Contract Reference No: SER-IPFMGT-IC-CS-23-01-1
Contract Award - Bid/Contract Reference No: SER-IPFMGT-IC-CS-23-01-2

Сличне теме

Јавни позив организацијама цивилног друштва ради учешћа у одржавању округлих столова на тему „Финансијска помоћ Европске уније”

Јавни позив за прикупљање писама о намери  продаје непокретности на територији Града Београда

Јавни позив за прикупљање писама о намери продаје непокретности на територији Града Београда