Decision on the conditions and manner of reducing the customs duties on certain goods and exemption of certain goods from customs duties in 2023 („Official Gazette of the RS”, No 144/22)

Decision on the conditions and manner of reducing the customs duties on certain goods and exemption of certain goods from customs duties in 2023 („Official Gazette of the RS”, No 144/22)


Decision on the conditions and manner of reducing the customs duties on certain goods and exemption of certain goods from customs duties in 2024 („Official Gazette of the RS”, No 119/23)

Regulation on harmonization of the Customs Tariff nomenclature for 2024 („Official Gazette of the RS“, No 54/2024)

Rules on Asserting the Right to Exemption from the Taxes on Incomes Received from the Support for Property Destruction or Damage, Organized Social or Humanitarian Support, Pupils and Students’ Scholarships and Loans, Food Allowances for Amateur Sportsmen and the Right to Exemption from the Taxes on Incomes Received from Solidarity Support and in the Event of Illness (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, Nos. 31/2001 and 5/2005) – consolidated text