Customs Administration

Dragiša Petrović, Acting Director

In accordance with the Law on Customs Service, customs services are conducted by the Customs Administration as a state administration body responsible for professional affairs related to: customs clearance of goods, customs supervision and other tasks of customer control and trade of goods and services abroad, as well as other services prescribed by law.

The tasks of the customs service are:
1) implementation of the measure of customs supervision and customs control, which includes previous, preventive and subsequent customs controls over the customs goods, determined by law and other regulations;
2) implementation of customs procedures and customs formalities;
3) calculation and collection of import and other duties, excises and value added tax and fees for goods that are imported or exported in accordance with regulations;
4) performing activities related to enforced collection;
5) issuing notices on the application of customs and other regulations within the competence of the Customs Administration and binding notices on the classification and origin of goods;
6) implementation of legally prescribed procedures for the purpose of detecting customs offenses, economic offenses and criminal offenses and submitting reports to the prosecutor’s office or other competent state bodies;
7) submitting requests for initiating misdemeanor proceedings and issuing a misdemeanor order, investing regular and extraordinary legal remedies, and participating in procedural actions and actions of execution of court decisions;
8) collection, recording and processing of data necessary for the implementation of procedures for the suppression of smuggling, investigative procedures and for the implementation of subsequent customs control;
9) conducting administrative proceedings for proceedings assigned to it by the Customs Law;
10) performing control of import and export of dinar and foreign means of payment in international passenger and border traffic with foreign countries;
11) control of import, export and transit of goods for which special measures are prescribed for safety, protection of health and life of people, animals and plants, protection of environment, national treasure, historical, artistic or archaeological values, protection of intellectual or industrial property and other ;
12) keeping records from its scope;
13) processing and statistical monitoring of data on imports and exports;
14) initiatives for initiating the procedure for conducting negotiations and concluding international agreements within the scope of the customs service and cooperation and exchange of data with foreign customs and other services and international organizations;
15) cooperation and exchange of information with competent state bodies, public or other organizations and foreign administrations;
16) examination on behalf of other customs administrations (as per request), in accordance with international agreements;
17) chemical-technological and other testing of samples of goods in the customs laboratory, for the purpose of proper classification of goods according to the Customs Tariff;
18) other activities in accordance with the Law and other regulations.

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