Siniša Mali

Siniša Mali

Siniša Mali

First Deputy Prime Minister

Born in 1972 in Belgrade. After completing the Fifth Belgrade Gymnasium in Belgrade, he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Belgrade, where he also obtained his master’s degree. During his undergraduate studies, he was awarded the valedictorian honour, and upon completion of his studies, he received an award for the best graduation thesis.

In 1999, as a Ron Brown scholar, he obtained his master’s degree at the Department of Finance (Master of Business Finance Administration degree), from the Washington University in St. Louis, United States of America. Throughout his studies, he was engaged as an Assistant, teaching five subjects in the business finance field.

Upon completion of his degree, he received the award as the best student in the field of finance, as well as the award for being among 10 percent of top students among the twenty highest ranking business schools in the United States that year.

In June 2017, as a student of the 6th class, he graduated from the Security and Defence College and obtained the highest level of career training in the Army of the Republic of Serbia.

In September 2020, he enrolled in doctoral studies at the Technical University in Košice, Slovakia, where he attended the "Finance" study programme. In June 2023, he defended his PhD thesis entitled “The Flypaper Effect in the Republic of Serbia”.

He holds the title of Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and is a member of CFA Institute, Serbian Business Angels Network, Fulbright Alumni Association of Serbia and British-Serbian Business Club.

He also holds a portfolio manager's licence, issued by the Securities Commission of the Republic of Serbia.

He has been Minister of Finance in the Serbian government since 2018, as well as Deputy Prime Minister since 2022.

Before taking office of the minister, he was the Mayor of Belgrade from April 2014 to May 2018. He previously served as President of the Interim Authority of the City of Belgrade. Prior to becoming Mayor, he served as Special Adviser for the Economic and Financial Affairs of the then First Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić.

In 2001, he was appointed Assistant Minister for Privatisation in the Serbian Ministry of Economy and Privatisation.

For a longer period of time, he worked as a private sector financial advisor and consultant, where he was engaged by several private companies, specialising in the field of provision of financial advisory services. He worked as a consultant at Deloitte & Touche in Belgrade and Prague, as well as at Credit Suisse First Boston in Mergers & Acquisitions Group in New York.

As Minister of Finance, he was appointed Governor of Serbia in the World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. He is the President of the Coordination Body for the Prevention of Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism. He is also the President of the Coordination Body for the Suppression of the Gray Economy. He is a member of the Council for Economic Development.

In 2022 he was declared the Reformer of the Year. He was given a special NALED award for introducing a new model of e-fiscalisation and e-invoices, systemic reforms that improved the transparency of financial transactions, tax collection and contributed to the suppression of the grey economy in Serbia.

He is actively engaged in various sports. He is an honorary holder of 5th day Taekwondo black belt for the contribution to the development of sports. He is a regular participant in marathon races, including the marathons in Athens, Berlin, Budapest, London, Chicago, New York…

By completing the Tokyo Marathon in March 2023, he won the famous "Six Star Medal Award". In September 2023, he successfully completed the "Ironman Triathlon" in Italy.

He is fluent in English, has elementary proficiency of the Greek language and is learning Chinese.

He is the father of Teodor, Viktor, Lola and Aleksej.